on Selasa, 22 Januari 2013
Not so long ago, i had an amazing trip along with some friends. Dani, Luki, Rio, Andre, Rizkur, Nandita, and Tanjung.
Many people were amazed by the time they heard the name of Kiluan. One thing comes to their mind is bunch of Dolphin. Yes, a thousand of dolphin.
Mmm.. Where should i start the story. Mmmm, alright.
It was unpredictable an unprepared holiday trip at the very first time. Dani, Luki, Andre, and I was having a plan to visit Palembang on the weekend. It was our first trip in 2013 for us in January.
Somehow, one day before the departure, we faced a couple of... mmm.. what am i supposed to call it.. a systematical error. Yep, pretty good words huh?. The ticket for us to go was busted at that time. Everyone eventually was ready to go. All of it. Stuff, money, chlotes, everything was fully setup. But, unfortunately the only access to go was unsupportive.
The plan was canceled.
That night, those bunch of morons including me was trying to find another alternative. Then, Andre dazzled us with his idea of visting Kiluan. Without no argument at all, we agreed.
We planned to go by car next day in the morning. Fortunately, there were 4 empty seats on the SUV we planned to use. Further, it was my duty to have some friends as filler.
Finally, Rio, Rizkur was lucky. They were choosen. Still, 2 more empty seats. I had no idea of whom will be choosen next because of many students went home on holiday. Lucky took turn. He texted Tanjung and Nandita. They agreed. Seats are vompletely booked. No doubt, we're gonna go.
The next day, everyone except Nandita was already stepped in Asrama 45, our lucky dorm. Right at 11 past half, we picked up Nandita in her house.
At 1 pm, we were setup and ready to go. Wow, the first 2013 trip seemed gonna be awesome.
It needed more than five hours to reach Amazing Kiluan Bay at that time because of several reason. The main problem is the road. There was really really hard to go through. It was pretty bad surface of road. If you wanted to go there, i suggested to ride a really really well prepared vehicle for off road cause you will found the road you would never imagine before. It was terrible. Plus rain, it's goin to be disaster if you do not have well prepared stuff.

Fortunately, everything was good in accordance to the plan except the money.
You need extra money if you visited Kiluan.
Half of the way to kiluan was usual. We experienced a couples of small village, Hanura, Padang Cermin, Pekon Ampai, and Punduh Pedada. It offered us the experience we had never seen before.
In some village, there were no electricity, even signal for your cellphone. That was really really unpredictable for us. I could see a lot of Family in their simple way of life. No crowded, no sirens, no smoke of bad vehicle. It felt really calm there. I saw how they stared at our vehicle by the time we went through their main road. Seemed that car was not familiar moving stuff for across their main road. It was tribic.
Half past 4, luckily we reached KILUAN BAY. Slowly we observed every single inch of Kiluan atmosphere. It was good, really really good to How people were carrying their works, how children are happily played their traditional toys.

We reached the last cottage to be hired. It was owned by a woman named Malah. Mrs. Malah. He offered us anything she could rent to us.
Finally, we agreed with the price, and took a rest for a while.
Amazing experience of kiluan land was started and ended one day after.

on Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Tak peduli betapa sudah berapa lama menunggu, deras hujan malam ini tetap saja tak mengusik. Walaupun hingar bingarnya tetap saja membahana, dipelupuk mata ini saya masih juga terjaga. Hatipun kembali bertanya, meski cuma pertanyaan-pertanyaan biasa kelas dua, namun rasa-rasanya masih perlu dicari jawabannya.

Memang, membiarkan sesuatu berjalan seperti biasanya, adalah hal yang cukup sederhana. Namun akan menjadi terasa cukup kompleks, ketika kita harus membiarkan sesuatu, namun kau merasa (mungkin) ada yang mengganjal disaat yang bersamaan. Ah, sudahlah.. mungkin saya memang harus berpijak, disatu titik yang tak beranjak, dihujan malam ini, tapi bukan selamanya, paling tidak untuk saat ini.

on Rabu, 02 Januari 2013
Lelaki sejati itu tidak bisa dilihat dari dimana dia potong rambut!

Jadi gini ya mbak-mbak, sister-sister dan neng-neng yang kece-kece… biar kalian nggak salah milih cowok yang kalian anggap lelaki sejati, lewat postingan  ini saya cuma mau kasih tahu aja kalo menurut versinya lelaki,  "lelaki sejati" itu bisa dinilai dari sisi "seperti apa" bukan, darimana.

Contoh, Lelaki sejati itu tidak bisa dilihat dari dimana dia potong rambut.
Cowok potong rambutnya di barber shop, dibilangnya cowok tulen. Tapi kalo dia nyalon dibilangnya, ih bencong!! Padahal nyalonnya ditempat-tempat yang mahal lho…
kayak di salon Rudi Andrean dan Joni Hadisuwarno (kebolak-balik).

Nah kalo cowok nyalon dibilang bencong, brarti pejabat-pejabat kita itu bencong semua dong?? Kan sebelum terpilih, mereka pada nyalon dulu tuh!! Nyalon jadi presiden, nyalon jadi walikota, nyalon jadi anggota DPR.
#eaaaaaa… tahun 2013 masih plesetan aja ya?? *minta ditimpuk brownies nih kayaknya :))

Jadi sebenernya kalo mau melihat cowok itu lelaki sejati apa bukan, sebenernya gampang banget!!
Menurut survey yang dilakukan para ilmuwan di Meksiko, menyatakan bahwa 89,7 % cowok-cowok di dunia yang punya gen sebagai lelaki sejati sesunguhnya, biasanya ada bintik merah kecil-kecil di antara jari telunjuk dan jari tengahnya.

Dan tau nggak? Perlu kalian ketahui kalo 99% pria yang membaca ini dan melihat tangan mereka sendiri untuk membuktikan ada bintik merah kecil-kecilkah di antara jari telunjuk dan jari tengahnya itu bukanlah lelaki sejati melainkan lelaki yang gampang ditipu!
hahahaha… Akuilah itu!!  
*langsung kabur ke pelukan Nabila Syakieb*
on Senin, 17 Desember 2012
A while ago, I was checking out one of my assignment around campus…….

It was almost night. It was cold. The rain was pouring down very hard. My mind began to wander off on how this rain had affected my task. Until suddenly, my thoughts were disrupted when I caught a glimpse of a shadow. My eyes became transfixed on this little person.

What made me notice him was that he was picking and sorting out trash from the trash bin. In the rain. In cold weather. Almost midnight… His name is Firman. He’s 10 years old. He is a scavenger boy.

Intrigued, I called him over and started to chat with him. “I’m doing this to pay my school bills” he said, when I asked him why he was scavenging. He also said that he helps his father foot the bill to buy food for his family. I went silent. Suddenly flashbacks came to me on what I was doing when I was 10. I won’t go to the details, but it mainly consists of sleeping, playing and eating.

Firman’s typical work day starts at the break of dawn. Right past midday, he rests under a shade to avoid the scorching sun. At evenings, he sells his “bounty” to a collector and, after emptying his bag, starts working again. Come 8 P.M., he rests. Approaching midnight, he starts scavenging again until 2-3 P.M. He then rests till dawn and goes through the cycle once again. He eats 1 or 2 simple meals a day. He never takes a vacation (taking a vacation will translate to not having anything to eat). And btw, he’s also saving to startup his own business.

Don’t forget that he’s 10 years old.

The world is filled with a lot of people who went from zero to hero. From rags to riches. Firman could be one of them. He has turned life’s lemons into lemonade. He has a dream. He works hard. He has street smarts. He has a lot of years ahead to look forward at (did I mention that he’s only 10 years old? :D ).
Why did I call this post “The success story of Firman….”? Because,

he has successfully inspired me. I hope he inspires you too